Saturday, September 15, 2012

Getting Some Sense Knocked Into Me

I've been training pretty hard this summer. I did receive a grant to do just that, after all. The goal was two fold: solidify my technique (and maybe learn some new skills along the way) and finish my act.

In a way, I've achieved both my goals (more on that in another post) but at the same time, I know my act can be better. So the past couple of weeks have been dedicated to, well, getting my act together.

My coach and I have been going over and over all the transitions that weren't up to par, cleaning them up, making them more interesting, clarifying the intention. It's been a great process but it hasn't been going as quickly as I would have hoped. And while I don't think I'm overdoing it, the Universe seems to disagree with me.

Two days ago, during what was shaping up to be a pretty awesome improv, I thought I broke my rib. I was in this weird position and I heard this horrible cracking sound and had sharp pain shoot through my ribs and upper abdomen. More than anything, I was super scared. In the end, I think I just pulled something. And for the most part, I can still train. Every so often I'll do a move that results in sharp stabbing pain, in case I forgot that I am, in fact, a wee bit injured.

And then there was yesterday. Things were going great. I proposed some new parameters for the improvs and they were getting results. That's when I knocked the protection of the weight off my trapeze and then immediately got hit full in the mouth.

I split my lip open, but not so badly that I needed stitches. While everyone assured me that my teeth looked fine, I could tell something was up. They felt like they had shifted in my mouth. Fortunately, my dentist is awesome and agreed to squeeze me in that afternoon.

I know my teeth were out of place because en route to the dentist they kind of shifted back into place. In case you're wondering, that doesn't feel good. Apparently, things are pretty much under control. There's a slight fissure in one tooth, and a chip, but both are in back of the tooth and apparently nothing I need to worry about right now. There is a chance that the trauma will cause the nerve in my tooth to die, in which case I would need a root canal. Let's all hope that doesn't happen. Apparently my dentist's sister-in-law got hit in the mouth with a hockey stick and it took two years before her tooth died. Yippee...

The good news is I have big nerves and that means lots of blood can keep getting where it needs to go. Let's just hope it goes there. Also, my dentist didn't charge me! Did I mention he's awesome?

My tooth is a bit loose, but that should sort itself out too. In the meantime, I just have really sore teeth and a bit pressure in my sinuses. I'm also on a soft food diet for the next two weeks. And here I am almost out of oatmeal.

The points I have to train on are super shitty. There's no other way to say it. They bounce, refuse to stay even, and swing like a crazed person trying to hit a pinata. Less than a month ago another girl split her lip open and needed stitches, plus she chipped one tooth and cracked another. And the day before I got hit in the face, a guy split the back of his head open on one of his weights and needed stitches.

That point is thirsty for blood.

All that to say that after two injury filled training days in a row, I am going to listen to the Universe and take today off lest it sends me a more obvious message that I need a break.

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